If you want bigger, fuller breasts, but don’t want to introduce foreign objects like breast implants into your body, you’re not alone. Fat transfer breast augmentation is your way to enhance the size and shape of your breasts while avoiding breast implants altogether. Let’s take a deeper dive into what fat transfer breast augmentation is and how you can benefit from it.
What is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?
Fat transfer breast augmentation, or fat grafting to the breasts, is a surgical cosmetic procedure in which fat is harvested from one area of the body and transferred into the breasts to add to their overall shape and size. Patients typically harvest fat from their midsection via gentle liposuction, which slims down their waistline at the same time as augmenting their breasts. The fat is then put through a purification process before strategically being injected into the breasts. Fat transfer breast augmentation provides more natural-looking and feeling results for patients who want a subtle added boost of volume.
What are the Benefits of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?
There are many benefits to undergoing fat transfer breast augmentation, including:
• Avoiding foreign objects in the body, like breast implants
• Eliminates the risk of breast implant complications
• Uses the body’s natural tissues to add volume to the breasts
• Shorter recovery period than traditional breast augmentation
• Contours the body where the fat is harvested
Is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Right for Me?
If you are interested in adding to the size and shape of your breast without having to use breast implants, fat transfer breast augmentation may be right for you. It’s important to keep in mind that fat transfer breast augmentation is a more natural approach to traditional breast augmentation with the use of breast implants. This means that the results are typically more natural-looking and subtle than a traditional breast augmentation. If you’re looking to enhance your breasts by one to two cup sizes, fat transfer is a great solution. If you’re looking for a more dramatic change, Dr. Lee may recommend undergoing traditional breast augmentation surgery.
Is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Worth It?
Like we said before, it depends on what you’re looking for. Fat transfer breast augmentation is absolutely worth it for you if you’re looking for a way to contour your waist and add volume to the breasts without looking like you’ve had a lot of work done. If you’re looking for a more dramatic change in terms of breast size and shape, fat transfer breast augmentation may not be worth it for you. Fat transfer breast augmentation is perfect for individuals who are looking for a more holistic approach to breast enhancement.
Are you interested in learning more about how you can benefit from fat transfer breast augmentation? Contact us today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Lee today. He’ll sit down with you, listen to your concerns, evaluate your breasts and develop a fully personalized treatment plan to help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals.